Everyday HOPE will continue to receive backpacks and school supplies to provide children at the beginning of the academic year to encourage and motivate the students to obtain honor roll, and promote higher education.
For families experiencing hardships, EH will provide a turkey and basket of food. We partner with a local church to provide a community dinner before Thanksgiving, free of charge. We also collaborate with another ministry to provide seniors a holiday meal at senior centers.
Everyday HOPE continues to receive toys from companies and volunteers to distribute to vulnerable families with children.
Everyday HOPE would like to have a facility that will consist of an all-encompassing ministry that includes: an ample Food & Clothing Bank, a vehicle to Deliver Food to the sick and shut-ins, Education Services, Pro-Vocational Services, Counseling Services, Recreational Services and Spiritual Services. The objective of the EH facility is to improve the very spirits, minds and bodies of families and children by meeting certain needs and reaching out to them with God's unconditional love:
A bigger location to house the food pantry complete with non-perishable and perishable goods as well as new & slightly used clothing for all age groups and genders. EH will receive donations from local businesses and individuals in the surrounding communities. The clothing will be used for adults seeking gainful employment, and uniforms for children.
Obtain a vehicle to deliver food for vulnerable families /children experiencing hardship as well as deliver it to seniors who are disabled, sick or shut in.
Provide counseling for groups and/or individuals. Everyday HOPE will seek to offer guidance, encouragement and support to clients in need of direction with family expectancy issues, advisors and promote empowerment and facilitate forward thinking.
A place where the mind will expand! EH seeks to obtain a computer lab for clients with the opportunity to participate in job placement coaching, resume writing seminars, financial freedom, and computer literate classes to obtain gainful employment.
A place to enhance spiritual development of each participant. EH seeks to teach the participants to value themselves; thus, strengthen their faith and HOPE to reach their destinies. Weekly programs will serve as times of refreshment, spiritual training and challenges to become a productive citizen. These programs will be offered on a volunteer basis provided on/off site.
Will serve as a place of physical fitness. EH seeks to obtain a facility where participants will be instructed on healthy living techniques; each client will have the opportunity to partake in sporting activities. Team sports will give boys and girls the opportunity to interact and develop social skills and etiquette. Clients will be physically and socially evolved by this program.